
Classes and Objects in Python

Python, since day 1, has been an object-oriented language; therefore we should expect to utilize an object within our projects. An object obtains their variables and functions from the classes, which are a template for generating an object.


class class_value:
    variable = "This is a value for the class"

    def function(self):
        print("Here is our message we are putting inside the class.")

You may be wondering, what is that “self?” In object-oriented programming, whenever we define methods for a class, we use self as the first parameter in each case.

To assign a class to an object, you can do this:


class class_value:
    variable = "This is a value for the class"

    def function(self):
        print("Here is our message we are putting inside the class.")
x = class_value()

The variable “x” now has the object, of the class “class_value.”

How do we access it then?

To access an object variable, you can do:


class class_value:
    variable = "This is a value for the class"

    def function(self):
        print("Here is our message we are putting inside the class.")

x = class_value()


class class_value:
    variable = "This is a value for the class"

    def function(self):
        print("Here is our message we are putting inside the class.")

x = class_value()

You can also make multiple objects that are different, out of the same class. Keep note that each object would contain independent copies of each variable defined per class.


class class_value:
    variable = "This is a value for the class"

    def function(self):
        print("Here is our message we are putting inside the class.")
x = class_value()
y = class_value()
z = class_value()

z.variable = "This is some text"

# print all values

How about accessing the object’s functions?

To access the function of the object, it is easy: just switch “variable” to “function.”

class class_value:
    variable = "This is a value for the class"

    # this would get printed
    def function(self):
        print("Here is our message we are putting inside the class.")

x = class_value()



Lets try an exercise to see if we understand classes and objects. For this sample, we are going to have a class that is defined for houses. We want to create two new houses called “house1” and “house2.” One of the houses, a white house, will be worth $500,000.00 and will be a condo. The second house, a grey house, will be worth $800,000.00 and will be a “ingle family. Please take a look at the solution if you get stuck.


# define the house class
class House:
    address = ""
    type = "house"
    color = ""
    value = 100.00
    def description(self):
        desc_str = "%s is a %s, that is colored %s, and is listed at $%.2f." % (self.address, self.color, self.type, self.value)
        return desc_str

# your code goes here

# test code


# define the house class
class House:
    address = ""
    type = "house"
    color = ""
    value = 100.00
    def description(self):
        desc_str = "%s is a %s, that is colored %s, and is listed at $%.2f." % (self.address, self.color, self.type, self.value)
        return desc_str

# your code goes here
house1 = House()
house1.address = "1234 Sycamore"
house1.color = "white"
house1.type = "Condo"
house1.value = 500000.00

house2 = House()
house2.address = "4321 Eromacys"
house2.color = "grey"
house2.type = "Single Family"
house2.value = 800000.00

# test code


<> output:
    1234 Sycamore is a Condo, that is colored white, and is listed at  $500000.00.
    4321 Eromacys is a Single Family, that is colored grey, and is listed at $800000.00.

For more information

If you seek to learn more about Python, please visit Python’s official documentation.